Thank you for your interest and your trust
Teachings English / Deutsch
I usually practice with one, with two mentees at the most per week. Sometimes, you have to put yourself on the waiting list.
But the BA existential coaching goes fast and efficiently so that there will be a place for you soon.
BA existential coaching doesn’t go back in time, there is no crawling through the problems that made you come here - the movement dives right into the crossing spot where your relation to God or Everything that Is meets the horizon of your life.
Beyond the fork, there is meaning, inspiration, brother-, and sisterhood. Before, there is doubt, weakness, and sadness. Maybe that’s the reason why you are here. Tell me.
Please send a letter of application, explaining why you want to move. Also, send me two photographs, if possible - one photo that shows you as a child you must have been, and one recent picture of you that you like.
Love, Thor