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Systema Outdoor Basics

  • Balance Athletics Headquaters 35 Alt-Bornheim Frankfurt am Main, HE, 60385 Germany (Karte)

This new format is a great success for all of us! It connects not only the Outdoor Bushcraft division with the Systema guys - it is an additional fun balance part for everybody in the field :)

The year has some age already; nature is blossoming, wildlife is set to give birth to the youth. So, in early April, we will train again without being attacked by angry mother boars, protecting their kids.

Since we have several Systema trainees joining the bushcraft classes, we will help you out with some gear. In between training, we will have lunch. So bring something with you, a camping cooker and stuff, or an already prepared meal.

Get your ticket here

Frühere Events: 2. April
Frühlingslehrgang Aikido
Späteres Event: 16. April
Family Sailing Mallorca