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Systema Experts Seminar with Menamy Mitanes

  • Balance Athletics Headquaters 35 Alt-Bornheim Frankfurt am Main, HE, 60385 Germany (Karte)

We are proud to announce that Menamy is coming back to the BA-Headquarter’s. Disappearing C makes it finally possible.

The topics will be discussed under the first 10 students who subscribe to the seminar. Show us your ideas and questions -Thor will discuss them with Menamy which will definitely affect the ongoing seminar.

Menamy is a direct student of Martin Wheeler and teaches at the Beverly Hills Academy in Los Angeles. There is a lot to say about Menamy, his excellent teaching style, the very high level of skills and knowledge in the Martial arts, and in Systema in particular - but if you are interested, you may better look at this interesting interview with Menamy in the BA-headquarters.

Get your ticket with Menamy here

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